ABX - Akustikbass (Sting unter der Brücke montiert)

Designed for Acoustic Bass

Save $160.00

Das Akustikbass-Mikrofonsystem Evno ABX wird in sorgfältiger Handarbeit in den USA hergestellt, um Akustikbassisten die authentischste Klangwiedergabe zu bieten. Dieses Spezialmikrofon ist so konstruiert, dass es die wahre Essenz des Instrumentenklangs einfängt und sicherstellt, dass das Publikum eine genaue und natürliche Wiedergabe der Darbietung des Musikers hört. Es maximiert die Verstärkung vor Rückkopplungen und ermöglicht so, dass der einzigartige Ton des Künstlers, der über Jahre hinweg entwickelt wurde, klar und ohne jegliche Verfärbung wiedergegeben wird.

Der Evno ABX ist die perfekte Wahl für Bassisten in den unterschiedlichsten Umgebungen, von Jazz-Ensembles und Bluegrass-Bands bis hin zu Symphonieorchestern und Soloauftritten. Dieses vielseitige System eignet sich sowohl für Anwendungen mit geringer als auch mit hoher Lautstärke und gewährleistet optimale Klangqualität in jeder Umgebung.

Das Evno ABX-System verfügt über ein integriertes, einteiliges Design mit einer Klemme, die an den E- und G-Saiten eines Akustikbasses befestigt wird. Diese Befestigungsklemme hält den 5,5-Zoll-Stay-Flex-Schwanenhals sicher fest. Das Evno ABX-System umfasst ein vibrationsdämpfendes Plattensystem, das in Verbindung mit dem 7-Punkt-Aufhängungsring die üblichen Vibrationsprobleme, die durch die niedrigen Frequenzen und die natürliche Bewegung eines Akustikbasses verursacht werden, erheblich reduziert.

Das Evno ABX-Mikrofon ist mit präziser Belüftung und einem äußerst attraktiven Bearbeitungsprozess ausgestattet, der ein schönes Erscheinungsbild gewährleistet und gleichzeitig den gesamten Frequenzbereich des Instruments erfasst. Das Mikrofon ist in unserer Standardaufhängung mit sieben variablen Punkten aufgehängt, sodass die O-Ringe bei Bedarf einfach und problemlos ausgetauscht werden können. Der Mikrofonkörper verfügt über einen 3-poligen Mini-XLR-Anschluss, der direkt an den mitgelieferten PS95-Vorverstärker/das Netzteil angeschlossen wird.

Jede Evno ABX-Einheit wird mit dem PS95-Netzteil für den kabelgebundenen Einsatz geliefert, kann aber bei Bedarf auch für den Einsatz mit drahtlosen Systemen von Evno, Shure, AKG oder Sennheiser angepasst werden. Kabel für AKG- und Sennheiser-Systeme können separat bestellt oder für Kunden, die bereits ein kompatibles drahtloses System von Evno, AKG, Shure oder Sennheiser besitzen, in einem Paket mit dem Mikrofon enthalten sein.

Das mit dem ABX-Modell mitgelieferte Kabel ist sowohl mit dem Evno PS95-Phantomspeiseadapter als auch mit den drahtlosen Shure-Sendern kompatibel. Um das System drahtlos zu verwenden, umgehen Sie einfach das Kabel und schließen Sie das Mikrofon an einen aufsteckbaren drahtlosen Evno-Sender an. Obwohl bei Akustikbässen normalerweise keine drahtlose Verbindung erforderlich ist, kann dies in Situationen vorkommen, in denen sich ein Showorchester auf der Bühne bewegen muss. Eine drahtlose Option kann in solchen Situationen dabei helfen, das Instrument schnell an- und abzulegen.

Das komplette Evno ABX-Setup umfasst das Evno PS95-Netzteil/den Vorverstärker, das ABX-Mikrofon mit angeschlossener Klemme und Stabilisator, ein Gehäuse und ein 3-poliges-4-poliges Mini-XLR-Kabel. XLR-Kabel zum Anschluss des PS95-Netzteils an ein Mischpult sind nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten. Für festverdrahtete Verbindungen ist ein Standard-XLR-/Mikrofonkabel erforderlich.

  • Hardwired setup

    Powered by PS95 Preamp

  • Wireless Compatible

    Evno, Shure, Sennhieser,

    Akg, McCormick (Cables sold separately) 

  • String mounted

    Attaches to the E and G string with built in easy to mount design

  • Acoustic Bass

    1st choice recommendation

  • Main Features

  • Description

  • Specs 

  • Included

Evno ABX Acoustic Bass Microphone System
≈ Attaches to the E and G string
≈ Position can be adjusted as desired to accommodate individual instruments
≈ Includes Evno exclusive vibration control system
≈ Microphone suspended in suspension ring reduces even more vibration
≈ Powered by phantom power or 1(AA) battery with PS95 preamp / power supply
≈ 5.5in Stay-flex gooseneck
≈ Handmade in the USA 
≈ Easy mounting
≈ Detachable cable for easy replacement
≈ Most natural sounding bass microphone on the market
≈ High gain before feedback with a great rejection of surrounding instruments


The Evno ABX acoustic bass microphone system is meticulously handcrafted in the USA to provide the most authentic sound reproduction for acoustic bass players. This specialized microphone is engineered to capture the true essence of the instrument’s sound, ensuring that the audience hears an accurate and natural representation of the musician’s performance. It maximizes gain before feedback, allowing the performer’s unique tone, developed over years of practice, to be delivered clearly and without any coloration.


The Evno ABX is the perfect choice for bass players across a wide range of settings, from jazz ensembles and bluegrass bands to symphony orchestras and solo performances. This versatile system is suitable for both low and high-volume applications, ensuring optimal sound quality in any environment.

The Evno ABX system boasts an integrated, one-piece design featuring a clamp that attaches to the E and G strings of an acoustic bass. This mounting clamp securely holds the 5.5-inch Stay-flex gooseneck. The Evno ABX system includes a vibration damping plate system, which, in conjunction with the 7-point variable suspension ring, significantly reduces common vibration issues caused by the low frequencies and natural movement produced by an acoustic bass.

The Evno ABX microphone is designed with precision venting and a highly attractive machining process, ensuring a beautiful appearance while capturing the full frequency range of the instrument. The microphone is suspended in our standard suspension with seven variable points, allowing for simple and easy replacement of the O-rings as needed. The microphone body features a 3-pin mini XLR connection, which connects directly to the included PS95 preamp / power supply.


Each Evno ABX unit is shipped with the PS95 power supply for wired use, while also being adaptable for use with Evno, Shure, AKG, or Sennheiser wireless systems if ever needed. Cables for AKG and Sennheiser systems can be ordered separately or included in a package with the microphone for customers who already own a compatible wireless system from Evno, AKG, Shure, or Sennheiser.

The included cable with the ABX model is compatible with both the Evno PS95 phantom power adapter and Shure wireless transmitters. To use the system wirelessly, simply bypass the cable and connect the microphone to an Evno clip-on wireless transmitter. Though wireless with acoustic bass isn’t normally needed, they're maybe a situation where a show orchestra needs to move around on stage. A wireless option may assist to quickly move the instrument on and off in times like this.

The complete Evno ABX setup includes the Evno PS95 power supply / preamp, ABX Microphone with attached clamp and stabilizer, case, and a 3pin-4pin mini XLR cable.  XLR cables to connect from the PS95 power supply to a mixing console not included. A standard XLR / Mic cable is required for hardwired connections.

Frequency Response

Polar Pattern

The complete Evno ABX setup includes: 

  • Evno PS95 power supply / preamp
  • Evno String mounted built-in mount
  • ABX Microphone
  • Case
  • Cable (Ta4) Connects microphone to PS96 Preamp
  • Windscreen (LG)

**XLR cables to connect from the PS95 power supply to a mixing console not included. A standard XLR / Mic cable is required for hardwired connections.

Craftsmanship and Features

 ABX Clamp and Stabilizer

The ABX built in stabilizer systems reduces natural vibration and sway from the instrument keeping the microphone nice and steady.

Flex-Stay Gooseneck 
(Made in USA)

5.5” Flex-stay Gooseneck holds position as desired

Powered by PS95 Preamp/power supply

Powered by the PS95 with phantom power or (1) AA Battery. When used wireless, the Evno A1 powers the microphone or other brand transmitters

Made in the USA

All parts are made by hand and assembled in the USA!



Can I use the microphone wireless?

All Evno microphone packages are designed to be compatible with wireless setups. While each package includes specific components tailored to the chosen setup, the microphone itself is versatile and can be seamlessly integrated with any configuration, including wireless.

Can I use my Evno microphone with other brands of wireless?

Yes, EVNO microphones are designed to be versatile and compatible with various other popular wireless systems, including those from Shure, Sennheiser, AKG, and McCormick. To ensure seamless integration, you will need the correct adapter cable for each brand.

What is the best EVNO wireless setup?

When selecting the best wireless setup from EVNO Microphone Systems, it's essential to consider your specific needs and performance requirements. EVNO offers three distinct wireless options, each catering to different scenarios while maintaining top-notch sound quality across the board. 

W1 - True Diversity

W2 - Dual Wireless

Air - Perfect travel size and quick and easy setups.


Please see our education page for more information.

What Is Phantom power?

Phantom power is direct current (DC) electric power that is applied equally to both signal wires of a balanced microphone cable. Phantom power supplies are most often built into mixing consoles and microphone preamps. The purpose of Phantom power is to supply 48 volts of current to microphones that have built-in active circuitry over the same cable that is used to send the microphone’s signal back to the mixer or preamp. Since there is no visible power supply unit (like those common with tube microphones) the term Phantom power is used.

Do you offer a belt pack style transmitter with a volume control?

Yes, Evno offers the A2 belt pack transmitter for musicians who prefer an on-body transmitter. The A2 includes a convenient volume control, allowing players to adjust their sound levels effortlessly.

Do you have a hand held wireless microphone?

Yes, Evno offers the AH handheld microphone which sync’s to the W1, W2, and Air receivers.  The most common setup would be to combine the AH with W2 Dual receiver to have both a wireless horn microphone and hand held active at the same time.

Where do I order an Evno Microphone?

Evno Microphones are available at our growing number of dealers. The dealer can assist you with your buying needs. See current dealers page for more information.  If a dealer does not have stock, you can order directly on our website.  For a list of distributors and dealers outside of the USA, please also see the dealers page.

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